We Meditate and pray

What We Do

We Meditate And Pray

Meditation is an experience, with time and dedication you will have a God experience. We teach meditation for one reason and one reason only and that is to connect and commune with God in spirit and in truth.  All things will be added, not by might nor by power but by My Spirit.                                                                       To God Be The Glory


Practicing The Presence Of God

Practicing The Presence Of God

As human beings, we place our reliance on persons and things in the outer world, on education, money, bonds, or investments. That man who has his being in Christ places his entire reliance on Spirit and trusts it to bring forth all that is necessary in the outer realm. Whenever faced with some need or desire, let us realize Spirit as the source of its fulfillment; let us realize Spirit as the law unto it, even the law of multiplication should that be necessary. Then let us go about our business, whatever it may be, taking such human footsteps as may be necessary at the moment. This is living a normal, natural life, but letting the Spirit, the Infinite Invisible, be the law of it, the substance of it, the cause of it, and the harmonious maintainer and sustainer of it. In short, we make no change in our present mode of living, except as the Spirit, Itself, may pick us up and direct us into new activity.

God Is The Only Power

 God is one; God is the only law; God is the only presence; God is the only substance; God is the only power, and there is no power in effect. Then in the next breath, we turn around and give power to some effect. What difference does it make what the appearance is, if God is the only power? Do we really believe that God is the only power? God alone is power. God is one: one power, one life, one love, one Spirit, one cause, one being, one source. Nothing comes into our experience unless it comes from God. The next time something that we call evil comes into our experience, let us remember our principle and turn and say: “That, too, is from God. ‘. . . if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there.’ ” Even when we go down into hell, we find God, and in finding God, hell is transformed into heaven. A change takes place in our experience the moment we acknowledge no source, no cause, no effect, no power, no presence, and no being but God. To practice this principle—hour after hour, day in and day out, for one month or two months, holding to God as the law. of our being, God as the source of our good, God as the activity of our day—changes our entire experience. At first, this is all in the realm of the mind, but by constant practice, it leaves the realm of the mind and comes down into the heart, into the awareness, into consciousness, and then it takes over and lives our experience.

And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.


Understanding The Nature Of God

“I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.”

To comprehend the full meaning of Jesus Christ’s statement, we must understand the nature of God.

Probably all of us have been taught from childhood that there is a God, but few of us know what God is. If we could put aside all books, including the Bible, and live with but one question in our mind, “What is God?” meditating day and night on that question, ultimately, God Itself would reveal the answer. We would have to do this, however, with a mind completely free of all concepts of God and begin as if we were completely alone with God. We would not accept anybody else’s opinion, anybody else’s experience, or anybody else’s point of view: We would have our own experience with God. If we could do that, we should find that, sooner or later, God would reveal Itself to us in such unmistakable terms that never again would we have any doubts as to what God is or how to pray. 

The World Is New, Let the Grace Of God Take Over and Live Your Life.

We meditate and Pray so the grace of God can flow through us. Healing is not a matter of labor but of love and of Grace. Health, wealth, and harmony–all these come by the grace of God. No one has to work for them, pray, or be deserving of them. All of this comes as the grace of God, and that Grace is made manifest in proportion as we stop thinking of ourselves and our problems and begin thinking of God and thinking out to the world. Here is one good way to make a beginning: When we go to a spiritual coach for help, usually we think of ourselves as human beings. Even if we think of ourselves in a spiritual sense, it is most likely as something less than God Itself, as effect. Now let us reverse that and think of ourselves as cause, as the causative principle of life, as the law unto our being, the law unto our body, the law unto our business. My authority for that? I come well authorized: My authorization is found in the whole teaching of Jesus Christ; it comprises the Gospel according to John: “I am the way, the truth, and the life.3. . . I am the resurrection, and the life.4 . . . Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? He that hath seen me hath seen the Father.5 . . . I and my Father are one.”6 As we give these truths an opportunity to work in our consciousness, they will bear spiritual fruit and free us from fear. We cannot be healed of fear while we believe that there is a law outside us–even if we think it is a law of God, because how can we know if we are going to make a connection with that law? Maybe we will fail! But if we are the law of God, how can we escape from ourselves? “If I make my bed in hell, behold, God is with me. The Kingdom of God is within me and the King/God is in his Kingdom, Now.

Meditation Wellness Club